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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 1301 - 1400

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 31 - RFC 1356 Browse Website open in new window
Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in the Packet Mode. A. Malis, D. Robinson, R. Ullmann. August 1992.


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 32 - RFC 1386 Browse Website open in new window
The US Domain. A. Cooper, J. Postel. December 1992.


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 33 - RFC 1370 Browse Website open in new window
Applicability Statement for OSPF. Internet Architecture Board, L. Chapin. October 1992.


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 34 - RFC 1322 Browse Website open in new window
A Unified Approach to Inter-Domain Routing. D. Estrin, Y. Rekhter, S. Hotz. May 1992.


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 35 - RFC 1347 Browse Website open in new window
TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses (TUBA), A Simple Proposal for Internet Addressing and Routing. R. Callon. June 1992.


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 36 - RFC 1393 Browse Website open in new window
Traceroute Using an IP Option. G. Malkin. January 1993.


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 37 - RFC 1343 Browse Website open in new window
A User Agent Configuration Mechanism for Multimedia Mail Format Information. N. Borenstein. June 1992.


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 38 - RFC 1380 Browse Website open in new window
IESG Deliberations on Routing and Addressing. P. Gross, P. Almquist. November 1992.


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 39 - RFC 1331 Browse Website open in new window
The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the Transmission of Multi-protocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point Links. W. Simpson. May 1992.


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 40 - RFC 1352 Browse Website open in new window
SNMP Security Protocols. J. Galvin, K. McCloghrie, J. Davin. July 1992.


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