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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 1201 - 1300

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 51 - RFC 1258 Browse Website open in new window
BSD Rlogin. B. Kantor. September 1991.


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 52 - RFC 1269 Browse Website open in new window
Definitions of Managed Objects for the Border Gateway Protocol: Version 3. S. Willis, J.W. Burruss. October 1991.


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 53 - RFC 1233 Browse Website open in new window
Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS3 Interface Type. T.A. Cox, K. Tesink. May 1991.


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 54 - RFC 1232 Browse Website open in new window
Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1 Interface Type. F. Baker, C.P. Kolb. May 1991.


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 55 - RFC 1296 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Growth (1981-1991). M. Lottor. January 1992.


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 56 - RFC 1297 Browse Website open in new window
NOC Internal Integrated Trouble Ticket System Functional Specification Wishlist ("NOC TT REQUIREMENTS"). D. Johnson. January 1992.


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 57 - RFC 1217 Browse Website open in new window
Memo from the Consortium for Slow Commotion Research (CSCR). V.G. Cerf. April 1991.


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 58 - RFC 1216 Browse Website open in new window
Gigabit Network Economics and Paradigm Shifts. P. Richard, P. Kynikos. April 1991.


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 59 - RFC 1203 Browse Website open in new window
Interactive Mail Access Protocol: Version 3. J. Rice. February 1991.


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 60 - RFC 1272 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Accounting: Background. C. Mills, D. Hirsh, G.R. Ruth. November 1991.


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