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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 1101 - 1200

 Web Pages    51 - 60   of   98 Back to 1101 - 1200 Home 

 51 - RFC 1166 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Numbers. S. Kirkpatrick, M.K. Stahl, M. Recker. July 1990.


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 52 - RFC 1142 Browse Website open in new window
OSI IS-IS Intra-Domain Routing Protocol. D. Oran. February 1990.


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 53 - RFC 1146 Browse Website open in new window
TCP Alternate Checksum Options. J. Zweig, C. Partridge. March 1990.


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 54 - RFC 1196 Browse Website open in new window
Finger User Information Protocol. D.P. Zimmerman. December 1990.


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 55 - RFC 1198 Browse Website open in new window
FYI on the X Window System. R.W. Scheifler. January 1991.


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 56 - RFC 1169 Browse Website open in new window
Explaining the Role of GOSIP. V.G. Cerf, K.L. Mills. August 1990.


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 57 - RFC 1117 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Numbers. S. Romano, M.K. Stahl, M. Recker. August 1989.


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 58 - RFC 1110 Browse Website open in new window
Problem with the TCP Big Window Option. A.M. McKenzie. August 1989.


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 59 - RFC 1130 Browse Website open in new window
IAB Official Protocol Standards. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Internet Activities Board. October 1989.


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 60 - RFC 1185 Browse Website open in new window
TCP Extension for High-Speed Paths. V. Jacobson, R.T. Braden, L. Zhang. October 1990.


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