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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 0001 - 0100

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 1 - RFC 0020 Browse Website open in new window
ASCII Format for Network Interchange. V.G. Cerf. October 1969.


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 2 - RFC 0001 Browse Website open in new window
Host Software. S. Crocker. April 1969.


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 3 - RFC 0031 Browse Website open in new window
Binary Message Forms in Computer. D. Bobrow, W.R. Sutherland. February 1968.


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 4 - RFC 0062 Browse Website open in new window
Systems for Interprocess Communication in a Resource Sharing Computer Network. D.C. Walden. August 1970.


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 5 - RFC 0088 Browse Website open in new window
NETRJS: A third level protocol for Remote Job Entry. R.T. Braden, S.M. Wolfe. January 1971. Obsoleted by RFC 0189.


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 6 - RFC 0080 Browse Website open in new window
Protocols and Data Formats. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. Decemeber 1970. Updates RFC 0066. Obsoleted by RFC 0123 and Updated by RFC 0093.


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 7 - RFC 0066 Browse Website open in new window
NIC - Third Level Ideas and Other Noise. S.D. Crocker. August 1970.


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 8 - RFC 0076 Browse Website open in new window
Connection by Name: User Oriented Protocol. J. Bouknight, J. Madden, G.R. Grossman. October 1970.


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 9 - RFC 0083 Browse Website open in new window
Language-machine for data reconfiguration. R.H. Anderson, E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. December 1970.


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 10 - RFC 0091 Browse Website open in new window
Proposed User-User Protocol. G.H. Mealy. December 1970.


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