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 Computers » Internet » Proxying and Filtering » Caching


Acceleration and Load Balancing (35) ICP (2) Products and Tools (1)

 Web Pages    1 - 6   of   6

Describes the main principles of internet caching.


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 2 - Cache Now Browse Website open in new window
A campaign to increase the awareness and the use of web caching.


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Tool for assessing how cacheable a given piece of content is. Available as an online service or as software.


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 4 - IR Cache Browse Website open in new window
Project to provide operational hierarchical caching services for organizations and individuals, and to promote their use. Offers documentation, tools and access to logfile data.


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 5 - Web-cache.com Browse Website open in new window
Link collection organized by subcategories including products and services, projects, mailing lists, benchmarking, filtering, and privacy.


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International cache interconnection project. Links to reports, documentation and presentations related to the project.


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