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 Computers » Internet » Protocols » SIP


Client Software (9) Server Software (6) Service Providers (5)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   14

 1 - pulver.com Browse Website open in new window
A collection of information on the protocol. Contains news, reports and an IP telephony job noticeboard.


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 2 - The SIP Center Browse Website open in new window
Portal with technical and market resources aimed at commercial developers. Also provides a testbed area for software and proxy development.


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 3 - SIP Forum Browse Website open in new window
A membership based forum. Also contains a news board.


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 4 - SIPfoundry Browse Website open in new window
An international open source community providing VoIP solutions and technology based on the SIP standard.


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A test-suite to find vulnerabilities in protocol software.


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Client and server software developer for service providers and telecom equipment vendors, to address enterprise mobility markets.


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 7 - Tech Invite Browse Website open in new window
Portal containing links to technical information and RFC documentation.


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 8 - VoIP User Browse Website open in new window
Consumer guide and forum. Also has software phone downloads and links to service providers.


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 9 - Voice System Browse Website open in new window
Design, consultancy and development for SIP Express Router (SER) servers.


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FAQs, background materials and lists of current work in this field.


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