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 Computers » Internet » Protocols » NTP

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Accurate timekeeping is vital to accurate records, and accurate logs are the mainstay of good system administration. Glenn Graham explains NTP (the Network Time Protocol) and how to put it to work on your network.


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This article is the first of a series on the Network Time Protocol (NTP). NTP allows synchronizing clocks on different network nodes, which is critical in today's networked world. This first article provides an overview of why time synchronization is ...


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This article addresses the time skew issues for the Sun Fire 12K/F15K server and explains how the system controllers and domains can be configured as NTP clients to external servers. A sample configuration is also provided. This article is targeted to...


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This article is the third in a series of three articles that discuss using Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize system clocks. The goal of this article is to provide an effective understanding of NTP troubleshooting and monitoring.


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This is Part 2 of a three-article series that discusses how to use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize system clocks. This article explains the basics of client and server administration, covering various client/server configurations, as well a...


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Four page document that gives a very simple high-level overview of how NTP works and some of the issues to be considered when looking to set up NTP time servers. This company is a vendor of NTP time servers and related hardware.


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Helps with configuration of NTP software in the openSUSE Linux distribution.


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Sample chapter from the book, showing the cisco-specific methods of configuring your routers to support using NTP time synchronization.


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A discussion of why and how to set up NTP software. Some information is specific to the University, some is more general.


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A detailed information page about the guidelines for implementing NTP on Caldera (SCO) Linux


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