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 Computers » Internet » Protocols » IRC


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Nearly 800 helpful files including FAQs, primers, technical guides, clients and scripts, and server lists and maps.


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The original and authoritative RFC for IRC, updated by RFC 2810, 2811, 2812 and 2813. Written in 1993, it does not include details on DCC or CTCP, which came later.


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Resources for Undernet server operators.


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Specifications for CTCP as well as DCC protocols which are now standard supplements of IRC.


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An extention to the standard DCC protocol which offers the option to simply restart a transfer at the point it was broken off and to proceed without loss of connection time.


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 6 - RFC 2813 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Relay Chat: Server Protocol. C. Kalt. April 2000. Updates RFC 1459.


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 7 - RFC 2812 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol. C. Kalt. April 2000. Updates RFC 1459.


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 8 - RFC 2811 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Relay Chat: Channel Management. C. Kalt. April 2000. Updates RFC 1459.


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 9 - RFC 2810 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Relay Chat: Architecture. C. Kalt. April 2000. Updates RFC 1459.


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UnderNet's IRC-related FAQ


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