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Internet Abuse (107)

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The World Wide Web Consortium was created to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability.


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At Harvard Law School. A research program founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. Highly active in Internet Public Policy.


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CPSR's website devoted to issues such as Internet filters, encryption, digital signatures, PICS, ethics, NII, and privacy.


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A project of the Bertelsmann Foundation dealing with the problem of illegal and harmful content on the Internet.


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This site contains information about the program and activities of the Advisory Committee and the Congressional Internet Caucus - a bi-partisan group of over 100 members of the House and Senate working to educate their colleagues about the promise and...


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 6 - ICANNWatch Browse Website open in new window
Three academics providing a central point for those concerned with the actions and structure of ICANN. Mailing List, Editorial.


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Public-interest foundation examining Internet issues. Articles, news, links to web resources.


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People For Internet Responsibility (PFIR) is a global, grassroots, ad hoc network of individuals who are concerned about the current and future operations, development, management, and regulation of the Internet in responsible manners. The goal of PFI...


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Its purpose is to support noncommercial speech and activity on the Internet - and to protect the domain names under which that speech is placed. Currently, we are the only constituency in the ICANN Domain Name Supporting Organisation (DNSO) representi...


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Source for information about Internet patents and related issues. The center provides developers patents news, articles and forums.


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