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 Computers » Internet » On the Web » Weblogs » Directories » Web Rings and Cliques

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Ring for scrapbookers who keep blogs.


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 32 - Heart of Garden Browse Website open in new window
All blogs have quality content-articles, links, tips, recipes and other resources. Family friendly without rants.


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 33 - Artist's Blogs Browse Website open in new window
This ring is for artistic webloggers who want to share their thoughts, feelings, creative works with others. Visual artists, musicians, creative writers welcome.


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 34 - Blog*Spot Browse Website open in new window
Sedicated exclusively to the variety of journals, rants, and other creations of BlogSpot users.


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 35 - ZardozZ OpenRing Browse Website open in new window
Largest weblog ring in the RingSurf network +180 listed and growing.


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 36 - Moblogs Webring Browse Website open in new window
For mobile weblogs, known as moblogs with photos and text posted via a cameraphone.


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 37 - Domain Whores Browse Website open in new window
A webclique for people who own at least three domain names.


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This is a webring to bring together all those blogs that feature both knitting and scrapping content.


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 39 - Foodbloggers Browse Website open in new window
A webring dedicated to all those dedicated bloggers who take the time to tell us what they've been cooking, eating, smelling, tasting and touching.


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A webring that features sites that are made with Notepad or another text editor. No WYSIWYG's here.


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