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 Computers » Internet » On the Web » Syndication and Feeds » RSS » Specifications » RSS 1.0 Modules

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 1 - mod_syndication Browse Website open in new window
The RSS1.0 Syndication module provides syndication hints to aggregators and others feed regarding how often it is updated.


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 2 - mod_content Browse Website open in new window
An RSS1.0 module for the actual content of websites, in multiple formats.


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 3 - mod_dublincore Browse Website open in new window
The Dublin Core module allows unqualified Dublin Core metadata to be added to RSS channels and/or items.


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 4 - mod_annotation Browse Website open in new window
An RSS1.0 module, that provides support for resources that annotate, follow-up to, or reference other resources. Examples would include annotation system such as crit, Usenet, and most web-based discussion groups. The module can be used in combination...


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 5 - mod_taxonomy Browse Website open in new window
The taxonomy module is a RSS 1.0 module and a RDF application enabling the identification of topics covered by a RSS channel or item.


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 6 - mod_Wiki Browse Website open in new window
RSS 1.0 Wiki Module is an extension module for RSS to describe metadata particular to wiki applications.


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 7 - Mod_DCTerms Browse Website open in new window
This module is designed to allow Qualified Dublin Core metadata to be used in addition to the Dublin Core metadata that the RSS 1.0 Dublin Core module permits.


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This module extends RSS to include elements which allow the description of the status and current availability of services and servers. (on a temporary non-Purl URL at the moment)


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 9 - mod_threading Browse Website open in new window
An RSS1.0 module that provides the ability for items to specify a parent/child relationship.


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An RSS1.0 module that addresses the additional needs of streaming-media providers.


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