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 Computers » Internet » FAQs, Help, and Tutorials » Internet Beginners Guides

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A guide to creating, choosing, querying and registering domain names.


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 12 - Internet 101 Browse Website open in new window
Basics on using the Net for those who don't like reading long manuals. Includes tips on searching, using email, newsgroups and chatting.


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 13 - Beginners 101 Browse Website open in new window
Offers directions and tips for commonly performed functions in a Windows 95/98 environment. Includes step by step instructions for building a simple Web page.


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 14 - Making a website Browse Website open in new window
Information for beginners who want to make their own website.


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 15 - TotalDownloader Browse Website open in new window
A beginner's guide to downloading techniques.


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 16 - Easy Kiss 123 Browse Website open in new window
How to video tutorials on web design, Internet, blogging, and all things online.


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 17 - WebThang Browse Website open in new window
Tutorials on web design, web design resources, news, book reviews and a discussion forum for UK web enthusiasts.


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 18 - The Newbie Web Browse Website open in new window
A starting point for those new to the net. Includes many helpful links and descriptions to often sought resources.


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List of common emoticons used by Web users to convey emotion in written text.


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