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Passport authenticates a user for access to his credit cards and Web site accounts and passwords, to make life easy for on-line merchants and shoppers, and hackers and identity thieves. By Thomas C. Greene.


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Some bright empiricist from Root-Core has discovered that anyone can log into their Hotmail account and then call messages from any other Hotmail account by crafting a URL with the second account's username and a valid message number. By Thomas C Greene.


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Microsoft's Hotmail today claimed victory over the security holes that have put the free email firm on the hot seat this week.


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Microsoft's free Web-based email service Hotmail last night implemented a partial fix for a JavaScript security problem.


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Details of how to read other people's messages have been posted on a website run by a group called Root Core and it has quickly spread to other sites and newsgroups.


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No sooner was one catastrophic security flaw closed Monday -- one that exposed millions of Hotmail accounts to prying eyes -- when another one appeared. By Declan McCullagh and Ja.


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News and discussion.


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A Danish government official has reported a security hole that could allow unauthorized access to private accounts on Hotmail, the free Web email service. The company confirmed the hole exists and said Friday it would patch it within a day. By Michael...


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As outages and service problems continue to plague Microsoft's free email service Hotmail, users who try to cancel their accounts may be in for a surprise: They can't. By Polly Sprenger.


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Microsoft has fixed a serious vulnerability in its Hotmail email program that tricks users into sending their usernames and passwords to an outside email address. By Michael Stutz.


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