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 Computers » Internet » Chat » Talkers » Resources

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The homepage for the talker code Ncohafmuta, a multiuser realtime networked conferencing system, written in C for Unix and supported Windows platforms.


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 2 - NUTS Page Browse Website open in new window
Information about the code base. The source is available for download along with a link to some bug fixes.


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Hosting for talkers, muds and other chat programs.


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 4 - Dune Internet Browse Website open in new window
Provides premium Linux-based mud, talker and web hosting services. Special plans are available for talker hosting.


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 5 - TalkerNet Browse Website open in new window
A web-based Java connection to talkers whose purpose is to increase the accessibility and ease of use for the average internet user to all talkers.


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Information about the authors and the talker source code.


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