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 Computers » Internet » Chat » Instant Messaging » AOL Instant Messenger » Addons

 Web Pages    1 - 9   of   9

 1 - AIMutation Browse Website open in new window
Plugin that does various things including the ability to change the default skin.


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 2 - JDennis.net Browse Website open in new window
Home of DeadAIM, a plugin for AIM that removes ads, logs messages, and clones AIM.


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Add a guestbook, buddy list, and unlimited pages to your AIM profile.


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 4 - Remote Away Browse Website open in new window
A program that allows you to change your away message remotely across the Internet.


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 5 - BlueShadowz Browse Website open in new window
AIM programs and secrets site.


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 6 - MadProfile Browse Website open in new window
Free, unlimited AIM profile with a guestbook, journal, buddy statistics, a fully customizable interface for both advanced and novice users, and an unlimited number of subpages.


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Add-on software organizes conversations and includes other features to enhance AOL Instant Messenger.


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 8 - Kener.net Browse Website open in new window
Create a customizable profile, with features including guestbook, screenname log, quiz, and poll.


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Provides an alternate AIM profile.


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