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 Computers » Internet » Abuse » Usenet and Bulletin Board Abuse

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Information on NoCeM issuers, with PGP keyring and NoCeM permission file for use with NoCeM-On-Spool software


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How to cancel spam and other cancelables off individual newsgroups using the simplest of means.


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Dealing with Trolls Crossposting and Flames.


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Tips to not only get rid of them, but to join you on the light side.


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Things you may need to know if you have dealings with Steve Winter.


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The unauthorized, incomplete, unabridged guide to the "* Is Dying" troll template.


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Documentation of alleged computer crimes, stalking and harassment according to Steve Winter.


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Describes long-standing grievances the author has against Mr. Pangborn's behaviors online.


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An internet troll is someone who fishes for people's confidence and, once found, exploits it. This essay explores the psychology of trolls and how to deal with them.


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