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 Computers » Internet » Abuse » Denial of Service

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Latest bug fixes for Microsoft Windows, including fixes for some possible DoS attacks.


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 2 - SecurityFocus Browse Website open in new window
Site maintains an database of vulnerabilities and solutions including Denial Of Service attacks.


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Description of DDoS and prevention resources from Wikipedia Encyclopedia.


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A community managed resource for distributed denial of service attack related information and prevention tools.


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A brief overview on identifying DoS attacks from the US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Response Team).


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Denial of Service developments including description, impact, and solutions.


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Advice for victims of Denial Of Service Attacks, geared towards users of IRC (Internet Relay Chat)


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 8 - Zombie Zapper Browse Website open in new window
Free, open source tool that can tell a zombie system to stop flooding. Zombie Zapper works against Trinoo, TFN, Stacheldraht, Troj_Trinoo (the trinoo daemon ported to Windows), and Shaft.


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White paper describing and providing practical information on how to minimize the effects of smurf attacks.


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Strategies to protect against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. This article applies primarily to sites using Cisco equipment.


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