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 Computers » Human-Computer Interaction » Companies and Consultants » Usability Testing

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   25 Back to Usability Testing Home 

 11 - First Insights Browse Website open in new window
Conducts usability testing and qualitative market research, based in New York, USA.


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 12 - TandemSeven Browse Website open in new window
Design and usability services covering the full application development lifecycle, based in the USA.


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Usability testing and needs analysis to support user-centered design and performance improvement based in Idaho, USA.


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 14 - Peak Usability Browse Website open in new window
User experience and usability consultancy based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.


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 15 - HT Consulting Browse Website open in new window
Provides usability assessment of web sites, software and computer-related hardware, based in California, USA.


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 16 - UsabilityReviews Browse Website open in new window
Offers website optimization services, based in Ontario, Canada.


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Consulting firm focused on helping clients understand how customers think and buy online and how to design online experiences that work, based in Manchester, United Kingdom.


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 18 - infoDesign Browse Website open in new window
Information designers, technical writers and web usability analysts, based in Dunedin, New Zealand.


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International market research and usability consultancy based in the United Kingdom.


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 20 - North Square Browse Website open in new window
Offers Web site evaluation reports based on navigation, design, content and strategy, based in Wellingborough, United Kingdom.


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