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 Computers » Graphics » Web » Signature Files

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Use a real signature on emails and documents. Signature, are digitized and animated for use by the computer or email programs. Accepted payment made by via PayPal or money order.


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 12 - Mailsigs.com Browse Website open in new window
Custom made personalized animated signatures of any name for use in email clients, stationery and web sites. Free email signatures available. Full instructions how to use also on the site.


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Animated names can be made in any color, any font and with any writing instrument. Feel free to use the animations for personal web sites or e-mail, a link back required.


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Signatures for e-mail, no two are the same. Signatures are made to the individual request of each person.


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Free high quality quill signatures.


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Learn basic signature making, HTML and view works from Paint Shop Pro, Animation Shop and Flash.


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Delphi forum for creating an HTML signature, using a program created for users of this forum.


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 18 - WebtvSigHelp Browse Website open in new window
This group is designed to help others with there webtv signatures on plus or classic.


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 19 - Jeannine Gifsite Browse Website open in new window
Animated names, gifs and alphabets.


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Request custom designed signatures.


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