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 Computers » Graphics » Web » Directories

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Download free clip art, animations, graphics, and templates in easily navigated categories. [Registration required]


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Large collection of original free clipart sorted into over 300 categories, plus a reviewed sites directory for clipart. Designed with the novice in mind.


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Clipart, wallpapers, 3D and 2D animations, funny pictures, web graphics arranged by category in a drop down menu. Furnishes a 'Lightbox' feature that saves images for later use or has the images e-mailed in ZIP format.


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 14 - AAA Clipart Browse Website open in new window
Large collection of icons, animated gifs, lines, balls, dingbats and matching sets.


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Categorize collection of new and innovative smilies, as well as smiley wallpaper and screensavers. Most of the smilies are GIF images some are even animated. On site search, function available.


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 16 - Clipart Junction Browse Website open in new window
1000s of quality clipart and animations.


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 17 - BarbsPics.com Browse Website open in new window
Personal reviews and screenshots of 100s of sites featuring clipart, photos, pictures, animated gifs and web graphics.


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Graphics page of the global virtual Internet Site.


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Directory offering a listing of free clip art sites that don't have the hassle of pop ups, runaround links, or banner ads.


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 20 - 1 Netcentral.com Browse Website open in new window
Free graphics directory. Links to sites that offer collections of free graphics.


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