Burlington microbrewers of Humble Patience, Fat Angel, #9, Blind Faith IPA, and Heart of Darkness Oatmeal Stout. Includes availability, merchandise, events, hours, tour and beer information.
Bridgewater Corners microbrewer of IPA, Long Trail Ale, Pollenator, Double Bag, Tom O'Brien's Stout, Hibernator, Blackbeary Wheat and Harvest Ale. Contains mission statement, driving directions, distributor list and merchandise.
Middlebury brewers of Copper Ale, Stovepipe Porter, Mud Bock Spring Ale, Summer Wheat Ale, Oktoberfest, Hickory Switch Smoked Amber Ale and A Winter's Ale. Includes history and merchandise.
Johnson microbrewer of Whitetail Ale, Sol Ale, Midnight Madness Smoked Porter, Vermont Maple Wheat Ale and Brown Bear Ale. Includes retailer list, merchandise and home brewer guide.