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 Computers » Data Formats » Markup Languages » XML » People

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 1 - Clark, James Browse Website open in new window
Author of XSLT Working Draft, expat SGML/XML C++ parser, and XP/XT Java classes for XML/XSL parsing


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 2 - Bray, Tim Browse Website open in new window
Co-author of the XML 1.0 recommendation, now with Textuality, writes/edits for the xml.com magazine.


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 3 - Tauber, James Browse Website open in new window
Author and frequent speaker on XML.


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 4 - Maloney, Murray Browse Website open in new window
A member of the XML WG, a co-editor of the W3C XML schema Language, involved in developing WWW specifications since 1993. Frequent speaker and noted expert on XML and electronic commerce.


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 5 - Dumbill, Edd Browse Website open in new window
Managing Editor of XML.com, publisher of XMLhack.com


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 6 - Colan, Mark Browse Website open in new window
XML evangelist for IBM. Find his presentation material here. He gives technical, keynote, and customer presentations on Web Services and XML technologies and strategy, and has spoken at most XML conferences in 2000 and 2001..


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 7 - Tobin, Richard Browse Website open in new window
Author of RXP parser, co-author of XSV schema validator. Co-editor of XML Infoset specification.


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