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 Computers » Data Formats » Markup Languages » HTML » FAQs, Help, and Tutorials

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   31 Back to FAQs, Help, and Tutorials Home 

 21 - HTML Help Online Browse Website open in new window
Features basic lessons on using coding to create a webpage. Includes quick reference to HTML tags.


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Lessons on tables and frames with some copy and paste JavaScript codes, and resource HTML links included.


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Short lessons on each HTML tag. Tables and forms are also discussed.


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 24 - Advanced HTML Browse Website open in new window
Offers a guide to HTML, including tables, and colors. Also JavaScript.


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Anchors and links, logical tags, applets, forms, frames, scripts, sounds, and tables.


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Blank templates for copying. The templates don't have all the themes added, allowing for fast expansion of a HTML document. Zip format is also available.


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Lessons on web page layout, font size and color, adding links, tables, lists, frames and forms. A practice pad is available.


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Stylesheets, forms, fading, background colour and sound, bullets, aligning text, hit counter, marquees, Java dialog boxes, and preventing browsers from caching.


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Tips and tricks for HTML and other coding. Understandable tutorials on how to install simple apps on a website.


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HTML guide and a cheat sheet (U of Toronto).


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