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 Computers » Data Communications » Software » Terminal Emulation

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Information on Codes and Standards for Digital printers and terminals used by a Terminal Emulator with listed documentation for the printer or terminal being emulated.


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GTW420: terminal emulation for VT420, VT220, VT100, and ANSI


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 13 - LogNet Systems Browse Website open in new window
3270, 5250, VT420 terminal emulation software running under Microsoft


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SNA over IP mainframe connectivity, 3770 RJE, 3270, 3780 Bisync, Enterprise Extender.


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An Introduction to Terminal Emulation with details and links about using different kinds of Emulators.


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Different packages providing x-terminal-emulator under GPL.


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IBM 3270, IBM 5250, and DEC VT emulation software for Windows


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 18 - Terminal.app Browse Website open in new window
Terminal.app is a terminal emulator for GNUstep (http://www.gnustep.org) and other applications as a part of the Free Software projects released under GPL.


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 19 - SDI Bermuda Ltd. Browse Website open in new window
TN3270, TN5250, VT100 and VT220 terminal emulation software for Windows.


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Lists for common interrupt (IRQ) values or settings and COM Port default settings.


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