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 Computers » Consultants » By Region » North America » United States » Georgia

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 1 - JSI, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Sells and supports Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows XP platform products. Located in metro Atlanta.


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 2 - GhostNet, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Web development, hosting services and IT services. Computer support for all operating systems on laptops, computers and servers for business or residential clients.


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Computer services for small businesses in the metro Atlanta area, including on-site service, troubleshooting, networking and web design.


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 4 - RKPC Service Browse Website open in new window
On Site repair at your home or business. Website design and search engines ranking for first page listing.


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Provides business IT consulting, and acts as a virtual IT department for its clients.


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We provide technology services, including Linux and Windows administration, to small businesses in the Atlanta, Georgia area.


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Data consulting services for product development, investors, and intellectual property lawyers.


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 8 - MXN Corp Browse Website open in new window
A consulting and project management company that helps organizations implement networks and network security as well as networked voice and video services.


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Specializing in business and home computer repair, network design, custom system builds, upgrades, data recovery and systems training.


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Data recovery, system diagnostics, upgrades, MS Windows, Macintosh, Linux, database design and programming, web design, security testing and implementation. Located in Atlanta.


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