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 Computers » Computer Science » Theoretical » Complexity Theory

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An overview of computational models and methods and how they relate to complexity, with links to selected papers.


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Collection of lecture notes by Prof. Eric Allender, Rutgers University.


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Course taught by Christos Papadimitriou and Umesh Vazirani at the University of California at Berkeley.


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Research group in the Computing Laboratory, Oxford University.


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Includes related links, references and a summary of the results for the SAT benchmarks used in SAT Competition 2004.


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Provides applets that can be used to explore the conditions under which some well-known NP-complete problems become hard.


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A list of topics from a Computer Science course involving complexity of algorithms. HTML and PS format.


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Brief description, list of workers and problem compendium, compiled by Todd Wareham.


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Definition of the subject, links.


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A forum for the rapid and widespread interchange of ideas, techniques, and research in computational complexity. Research reports, surveys and books; meetings, discussions and web resources.


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