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 11 - Stout, Quentin Browse Website open in new window
University of Michigan - Computer science professor with research in parallel computing, algorithms, scientific and statistical computing, and discrete mathematics.


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 12 - Simon, Janos Browse Website open in new window
University of Chicago - Computational complexity, including machine-based complexity, communication complexity, models of parallel computation, distributed computation, algorithms, problems inspired by the world wide web.


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 13 - Sivakumar, G. Browse Website open in new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay - Automated Reasoning, Logic Programming, Rewrite Systems, Networks, Distributed Systems


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Johannes Kepler University - Parallel and distributed computing, generic programming, semantics of programming languages, parallel functional languages, symbolic and algebraic computation.


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 15 - Sannella, Donald Browse Website open in new window
University of Edinburgh - Functional languages, algebraic specification languages, mechanised reasoning, foundations for algebraic specification and formal software development.


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 16 - Sammut, Claude Browse Website open in new window
University of New South Wales - Machine learning, logic programming, and knowledge based systems.


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Pennsylvania State University - Computer architecture, operating systems, parallel computing, simulation and evaluation of computer systems.


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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Speech, Phonology, Intonation.


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 19 - Smedinga, Rein Browse Website open in new window
University of Groningen - Discrete event systems and object oriented programming.


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 20 - Stirling, Colin Browse Website open in new window
University of Edinburgh - Models and calculi for concurrent computation, modal and temporal logics with fixed points, verification and description of program properties.


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