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 11 - Costa, Ernesto Browse Website open in new window
University of Coimbra, Portugal - Artificial intelligence, evolutionary computation.


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 12 - Chittaro, Luca Browse Website open in new window
University of Udine - Knowledge-based systems (diagnosis, temporal reasoning, modeling of physical systems, qualitative reasoning) and human-computer interaction (desktop virtual reality, information visualization, 3d, multimedia and multimodal interf...


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 13 - Carroll, John Browse Website open in new window
University of Sussex at Brighton - Natural language processing, stochastic lexicalized grammars, shallow parsing and knowledge extraction, parsing disambiguation and efficiency, parser evaluation, large-scale grammar and lexicon development, linguisti...


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 14 - Ciaccia, Paolo Browse Website open in new window
University of Bologna - Content-based retrieval, data models, query languages, similarity queries, fuzzy retrieval, the M-tree, signature files, grid files, schema-based navigation, structures on the web.


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 15 - Cau, Antonio Browse Website open in new window
De Montfort University - Formal methods, verification, reactive systems, semantics, compositionality, interval temporal logic, executable specification, re-engineering.


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University of Salzburg - Network traffic measurements, LAN interconnection via satellite, and interactive multimedia satellite information services.


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 17 - Cohen, Bernie Browse Website open in new window
City University, London - Formal methods and modelling.


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 18 - Cooper, Shane Browse Website open in new window
Collection of programming-related links.


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