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 Computers » Computer Science » Distributed Computing » Platforms

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A standardised approach for effective management of large numbers of desktops, devices, servers, applications and LAN's from one centralised point.


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In this first of two articles exploring Xgrid, Drew McCormack provides a little background information, then moves to installation, and finishes off with a command-line script for distributing compilation using Xgrid.


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An Open-Source project that provides software to distribute work over many computers in a network. The machines are only used during idle-time.


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Research project developing middleware designed to support data select, indexing, and transfer operations on large scientific datasets in a grid or clustered computing environment.


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Masters thesis by Thomas Keane B.Sc.


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In Part 1, Drew McCormack showed how to install and start using Xgrid. Now in Part 2, he covers integration with Cocoa.


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The next step to distributed computer systems, A complete Java framework for implementing MultiNodal processor farms. There is a demo, but the full implementation is for sale.


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Build a supercomputer using wasted CPU cycles of home and office computers. (A fledgling project looking for a sponsor and participants.)


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Distributed object computing industry standards group founded in 1989. Defined standards include CORBA and IIOP.


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