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 Computers » Computer Science » Conferences » 2005

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2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. Compiegne University of Technology, France; 19--22 September 2005.


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 12 - SOFSEM 2005 Browse Website open in new window
31st Annual Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics. Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic; 22-28 January 2005.


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 13 - SETIT 2005 Browse Website open in new window
The 3rd International conference on Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications. Sousse, Tunisia; 27--31 March 2005.


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 14 - PerEL 2005 Browse Website open in new window
Workshop on Pervasive eLearning addressing technical issues of pervasive computing in combination with new types and possibilities of learning, teaching and working. Kauai Island, Hawaii, USA; 8--12 March 2005.


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 15 - ICEIS 2005 Browse Website open in new window
7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems . Miami, USA; 24-28 May 2005.


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 16 - CEMVRC 2005 Browse Website open in new window
Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference. Prague, Czech Republic; June 8-10, 2005


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 17 - PLDI 2005 Browse Website open in new window
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. Chicago, Illinois, USA; 11-15 June 2005.


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