Faculty of Information Technology. Major research labs investigate computer graphics, cooperative systems, algorithms and languages, artificial intelligence, adaptive methods, distributed systems and multimedia infrastructure, usability, and object or...
Department of Computer Science. Research focuses on parallel computation, programming languages, software engineering, theoretical computer science, and information systems.
Basser Department of Computer Science. Areas of research include algorithm design and complexity analysis, biomedical and multimedia information technology, databases, the Plan 9 OS, and data mining of natural language.
School of Computer Science and Engineering. Major research areas include machine learning, VLSI design, multimedia databases and formal methods in software engineering.
Department of Computer Science. Research areas include computer networks and communications, computer vision, distributed systems, logic and knowledge representation, numerical analysis and numerical linear algebra, parallel and functional programming...
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering. Research areas include artificial intelligence, databases and information management, declarative languages, and software engineering.
Clayton School of Information Technology. Research areas include artificial intelligence; audiovisual information processing; digital systems hardware; computing education; database systems; distributed, parallel and mobile computing; logic and theory...