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 Computers » Computer Science » Academic Departments » North America » United States


Alabama (3) Alaska (1) Arizona (2)
Arkansas (2) California (18) Colorado (2)
Connecticut (4) Delaware (1) Florida (11)
Georgia (7) Hawaii (2) Idaho (1)
Illinois (9) Indiana (4) Iowa (3)
Kansas (1) Kentucky (5) Louisiana (1)
Maine (4) Maryland (5) Massachusetts (17)
Michigan (8) Minnesota (5) Mississippi (2)
Missouri (4) Montana (2) Nebraska (1)
Nevada (2) New Hampshire (2) New Jersey (11)
New Mexico (5) New York (16) North Carolina (16)
North Dakota (1) Ohio (7) Oklahoma (1)
Oregon (4) Pennsylvania (12) Rhode Island (1)
South Carolina (2) South Dakota (4) Tennessee (4)
Texas (13) Utah (3) Vermont (1)
Virginia (9) Washington (6) Washington, DC (1)
West Virginia (1) Wisconsin (5) Wyoming (1)

 Web Pages    1 - 3   of   3

 1 - CSAB/CSAC Browse Website open in new window
The Computing Sciences Accreditation Board and Computer Science Accreditation Commission officially accredit academic programs in Computer Science in the United States. Not every respected university program is accredited, but those that are tend to b...


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From US News and World Report. List of schools sorted by rank, with methodology and ranking details.


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Features a sorted ranking of academic departments in computer science in the United States.


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