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 Computers » Computer Science » Academic Departments » Europe » Germany

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Department of Computer Science. Research groups focus on system analysis, software engineering, theory of programming, databases and information systems, artificial intelligence, data analysis, computer science in education and society, parallel and d...


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Department of Computer Science. Areas of research include combinatorics, computational geometry, compilers for real-time embedded systems, formal modelling of circuits, computer architecture, description and planning logics, formal grammars, cryptogra...


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Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. Research areas include algorithms and data structures, computational complexity, database and information systems, software engineering, programming languages, practical and technical computer science, digi...


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Computer Science Department. Research groups cover stochastic modelling and computer networks, theoretical computer science, programming languages and compilers, databases and information systems, system software and distributed systems algorithms and...


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Department of Computer Science. Research involves software components, algorithms, CAD, computer graphics, computational geometry, information management, computer networks, database and information systems, computer architecture, numerical algorithms...


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The Faculty of Informatics offers announcements and informs about itself, teaching, research and campus.


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Department of Computer Science. Research areas include theoretical computer science, computer engineering, computer systems, software engineering, operating systems, databases, computer networks, artificial intelligence, and information systems.


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Institute of Computer Science. Research groups cover software engineering and systems software, databases and information systems, programming languages, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, computer science in education and society, theore...


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Department of Computer Science. Research institutes include distributed systems, simulation, computer graphics, information systems, knowledge systems, and speech processing.


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Department of Computer and Information Science. Research topics include VLSI, algorithms for planar networks, discrete algorithms, software engineering, network design, railroad applications, graph visualization, and optimization in object databases.


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