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 Computers » CAD and CAM » Personal Pages

 Web Pages    1 - 9   of   9

Help articles on technical drawing and drafting. Forums for CAD drafters and tips and free downloads for AutoCAD users.


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3D rendered AutoCAD images of the 'Kukulcan' maya pyramid in Chichen Itza, Mexico. Contains also a 3D animation of the Pyramid during the equinox, when Kukulcan descends the stairs.


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 3 - Chandrajit Browse Website open in new window
Presents his skills and project experience with PLM in the automotive and information technology sectors.


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 4 - Matt Lindsay Browse Website open in new window
Freelance CAD designer and Mechanical engineer. Available for hire on large and small projects and a repository of tips and information.


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 5 - Brian Carl Bahr Browse Website open in new window
Reminisces the early days of Autodesk 3D, with AutoSHADE, AutoFLIX and AutoCAD.


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 6 - Piotr Naklicki Browse Website open in new window
Residential and commercial architecture projects in 2D and 3D, rendering, decks and porches projects, as well as AutoCAD lessons.


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 7 - Mark Schwendau Browse Website open in new window
Presents his educational activities and a gallery.


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 8 - Becky Currant Browse Website open in new window
Specialist in computer aided design and computer aided manufacture in the jewellery trade.


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3D modeling and rendering of AutoCad files such as cars and other objects.


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Olympos Tree Houses

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