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 Computers » CAD and CAM » AutoCAD » Education

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A set of online tutorials created by staff of the Faculty of the Built Environment at the University of New South Wales.


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 2 - CADTutor Browse Website open in new window
Free online tutorials for AutoCAD, and a forum for questions, answers, and discussion.


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 3 - myCADsite.com Browse Website open in new window
Provides free AutoCAD lessons and tutorials from the basics to advanced 3D, as well as some software and drawing downloads.


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An AutoCAD reference tool for teaching or learning CAD fundamentals. Quick access to setvars and dimvars.


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Learn AutoCAD on the Internet with a course offered by Murray State University.


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Online tutorials for getting started with AutoCAD, from the North Carolina State University.


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Provides AutoCAD drafting and CNC programming courses for adults in the New York and New Jersey metropolitan area.


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 8 - cad4theatre Browse Website open in new window
Distance learning courses for AutoCAD users in the theater and entertainment industries.


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Free 3D design tutorials for AutoCAD and LT. Gives step by step cad training about the fundamentals of 3D methods.


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Brian Morse, an expert with Land Desktop, provides training, support and consulting services for Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors across the US.


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