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 Computers » CAD and CAM » AEC Design » ArchiCAD

 Web Pages    1 - 6   of   6

The developers of ArchiCAD, a 3D architectural design software with 2D drawing and layout functions for architects, interior designers and structural engineers.


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 2 - ArchiRADAR Browse Website open in new window
Resource site for ArchiCAD users, with GDL objects, and a mailing list. [more information in Italian language]


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 3 - arkiKlub Browse Website open in new window
A resource site for ArchiCAD users, including tutorials, tips and tricks, downloads, online support, and discussion forums for registered members.


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Provides ArchiCAD based solutions for architects.


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 5 - GDL Alliance Browse Website open in new window
An independent, international professional association consisting of GDL authors, software developers, and building product manufacturers.


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A list of ArchiCAD related sites.


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