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 Computers » Artificial Life » Iterated Prisoner Dilemma

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Some links on ethical and political aspect of the Prisoner's Dilemma.


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Game and simulation based on Prisoners Dilemma game theory as described in The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins: coded in Javascript by Wayne Davis.


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Information on the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, a major topic in artificial life, and a look at cooperation (and evolution of cooperation) between agents.


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A simple yet powerful model for the problem of cooperation versus conflict in groups. The JAVA applet demonstrates the spread of 'altruism' and 'exploitation for personal gain.'


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 5 - The Taumoda Lab Browse Website open in new window
This site offers a way to learn how to study the evolution of cooperation through 3 models, based on the Prisoner's Dilemma. (Java applets included).


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This is a very complete description of the prisoner's dilemma and its variations.


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 7 - Xerox PARC Browse Website open in new window
This is a directory containing a lot of papers on Dynamics of Computation Area (Evolution of cooperation) from the XEROX PARC.


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