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 Computers » Artificial Life » Cellular Automata » Conway's Game of Life

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Eric W. Weisstein's home page about Conway's Game of Life and related CA. Tutorial, information, patterns, links, references.


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Java applet (with source) by Edwin Martin.


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A freeware Game of Life simulator for 32-bit Windows with support for a 1 million x 1 million universe. By Johan Bontes.


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Information on Conway's Game of Life, including a library of patterns with descriptions, articles on special topics, software, and links. By Paul Callahan.


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A very fast Java applet that displays a collection of the greatest patterns ever created in Conway's Game of Life.


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Andrew Trevorrow's Macintosh application for exploring John Conway's Game of Life and other 2D cellular automata.


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An online interactive database of rules with gliders, by D. Eppstein.


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Patterns and resources for Conway's Game of Life and related Cellular Automata by Jason Summers.


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A cross-platform freeware application for exploring Conway's Life and other cellular automata.


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Articles on Conway's Game of Life and related Cellular Automata, free Unix software, archives of Life and other CA patterns.


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