by Harvey Blume Can robotics shed light on the human mind? On evolution? Daniel Dennett -- whose work unites neuroscience, computer science, and evolutionary biology -- has some provocative answers. Is he on to something, or just chasing the zeitgeist?
In Proceedings 14th International Joint Conference on AI Montreal, August 1995: `A philosophical encounter: An interactive presentation of some of the key philosophical problems in AI and AI problems in philosophy.'
Discussion of the epistemological status of simulation in a cross-disciplinary setting could contribute to a deeper understanding of relevant issues and so it proved.
Philosophy of mind for artificial intelligence. This paper was originally commissioned by and published in NOVEMBER Magazine. Links will lead to the free full text of the book, Ai4u: Mind-1.1 Programmer's Manual By Arthur T Murray
By Richard Barry: Humankind will have to decide how to live with a new sentient race. Sometime in the future machines will reach a level of intelligence that will challenge, or even surpass our own.