Research on computational machine learning tools and theoretical frameworks with applications in computational molecular biology, computer vision, sensory processing, and iterative decoding.
Research on modeling high-dimensional data, learning hyper-parameters, boosting of neural networks, Markovian models, data mining, and other areas related to neural networks.
Tutorials, software, online books and articles on forecasting and systems modeling, optimization in expert systems, pattern recognition, data mining and knowledge discovery, from a research group at the Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics.
Research on General Inductive Learning, Inductive Logic Programming, Natural Language Learning, Qualitative Modeling and Diagnosis, Learning for Planning and Problem Solving. Recommender Systems and Text Categorization Student Modeling for Intelligent...
Research projects on learning in human-machine interaction, natural language interface to the WWW, statistical analysis of neurophysiological data, self-organization of proteins, nonlinear acoustic signal processing.
Develops algorithms and representations for efficient pattern matching. Applications include face recognition, fingerprint identification, image analysis, 3-D model construction and visualization, and robot navigation.