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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Genetic Programming

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A programming library designed to aid development of applications that use genetic algorithms.


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Manufacturing scheduling and closed loop applications utilizing genetic programming algorithms.


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A GP toolkit for exploring problems which don't have a natural fitness function and need human intuition to select the "best of the breed."


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Java applet based on an algorithm of John R. Koza.


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Genetic Programming (JGProg) is an open-source pure Java implementation of a strongly-typed Genetic Programming experimentation platform.


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A large single file containing an genetic programming bibliography. Lacks a search function.


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An easy to learn evolutionary computing framework written for Java 5. Genetic programming is implemented through fast stack-based linear programs.


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Thesis and software demonstrating teamwork in genetic programming. Simulates evolving software emulating ants and collective behavior.


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FAQs, people, software, links, conferences, publications, interactive genetic art and music.


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Demonstrates the use of genetic algorithms in solving the trailer truck backing up problem.


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