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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Games

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   24 Back to Games Home 

 11 - Logistello Browse Website open in new window
Othello program written by Michael Buro. Publications, game records.


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 12 - GIB Research Browse Website open in new window
Bridge program written by Matthew Ginsberg. Results, publications, library of deals with double-dummy tricks for each trump suit.


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Information about some research on Computer Games and Artificial Intelligence in academia.


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 14 - Excalibur Browse Website open in new window
Our goal is to develop a generic architecture for autonomously operating agents, like computer-guided characters/mobiles/items, within a complex computer-game environment.


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Companion site for the book "Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games: An Introduction." Includes bibliography, chapter guide, errata, and relevant links.


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Description of techniques to autonomously steer vehicles through a predefined virtual world. Simple behaviors (e.g. obstacle avoidance) can be combined to create more complex behaviors.


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Robin Upton's Ph.D. Thesis uses this branch of Probability Theory to generalise conspiracy numbers, developing the search method known as PCN*, conspiracy probabilities.


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A number of annotated links referring to tactical AI (for games, military simulations, or academic applications) and general game AI.


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 19 - SimBionic Browse Website open in new window
An intelligent agent toolkit that lets you create behaviors within games and simulations quickly and easily, without programming, using its graphical user interface.


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A JAVA framework that implements heuristic goal-seeking algorithms. Using this framework will allow developers to focus on a specific domain of interest, while leaving many of the AI concepts and goal-searching concepts to be implemented by the framework.


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