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Terms and conditions

The macros in this library have been supplied ‘AS IS’. Neither the Electric Editors nor the individual macro writers will be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of these macros.

The macro library is scanned for viruses before uploading. You are nevertheless advised to check the downloaded file(s) before running the macros.

All macros are the copyright of the individual contributors. You are free to redistribute individual macros provided they are unchanged. If you want to distribute more than a few macros, just add a link to this page from your own page.

Requests for support or changes should be send to the contributors of individual macros. The Electric Editors have enough on their hands without trying to modify other people’s macros!

Differences between program versions mean that not all macros will run in all versions of WordPerfect. Where possible, version-specific information is given in the text of the macros.

Warning: some of the macros in the WordPerfect library may not work as expected in WordPerfect 10. This is a consequence of a change introduced by Corel to make cursor movement the same as in Microsoft Word. To ensure that these macros work correctly in WordPerfect 10, choose Tools | Settings | Environment | General and ensure that 'Use WordPerfect 9 text selection' is checked. For more information about this problem, see

It is unlikely that this library will be updated to be compatible with WordPerfect 10 text selection, at least in the near future.

You are strongly advised to test all macros carefully before using them on ‘live’ data. Although they work as the contributors expect, they might not work as intended on particular documents or differently configured systems.


Downloading a macro is only part of the story. Depending on where you are and what version of WordPerfect you have, you might encounter the odd difficulty running some of the macros. Here’s a list of things to try before you scream for help.

Program version

First, check that you have the right program version. A macro for WP 5.1 (DOS) won’t run in WP for Windows at all. There are also some incompatibilities between versions of WP for Windows.

Some of the version incompatibilities are easily fixed.

Different APPLICATION command

At the start of every macro you should see a command that looks line this:

APPLICATION (WordPerfect; "WordPerfect"; Default; "UK")

This particular version is taken from WP 7.0. Earlier versions would not be able to run the macro. For example, the equivalent command in WP 6.1 would be:

APPLICATION (A1; "WordPerfect"; Default; "UK")

This will work in WP 6.1, 7.0, 8.0 or 9.0.

Different country

In the APPLICATION command above, the last parameter was “UK”. That indicates that the UK version of WordPerfect was used to create the macro. To run this macro in another country, change this parameter to the two-letter country code for your version of WordPerfect (e.g. “US” for the USA). In WP 8.0 and 9.0, the code “EN” works for all English versions.

Macro language differences

Each new version of the WP macro language has some new commands, which deal with features not found in earlier versions. Furthermore, some features change between versions. For example, WP 6.0 and 6.1 macros that use commands related to the WPCSET.BIF file won’t work in WP 7.0 or above, which don’t use WPCSET.BIF. Rewriting macros that have incompatible commands can be very difficult.

One significant difference between WP 6.1 and later versions concerns the use of dialog boxes, and in particular the OK and Cancel buttons. In a WP 6.1 macro, you might see the following code:

If (MacroDialogResult = "CancelBttn")


If (MacroDialogResult = "OKBttn")

Neither of these will work in 7.0 or above. However, change them to:

If (MacroDialogResult = 2)


If (MacroDialogResult = 1)

respectively, and all will be well.

Programming assumptions

The macro writer might have ‘hard coded’ some information about his or her system, such as assuming that a certain file is stored in a particular folder. In that case, you would need to edit the macro to match your system.