(redirected from EmacsIRCClient)


ERC is an IRC client. It is included in Emacs as of version 22.3


Start ERC with M-x erc. You will be prompted for a server, port, and nickname.

To avoid entering server info every time you run ERC, you can specify details in your InitFile like so:

;; Set our nickname & real-name as constant variables
 erc-nick "cowgirl"     ; Our IRC nick
 erc-user-full-name "Moo C") ; Our /whois name

;; Define a function to connect to a server
(defun some-serv ()
  (erc :server "server.example.com"
       :port   "6667"))

;; Or assign it to a keybinding
;; This example is also using erc's TLS capabilities:
(global-set-key "\C-cen"
  (lambda ()
  (erc-tls :server "server2.example.com"
           :port   "6697")))

You can see more options with M-x customize-group RET erc RET


Setting up ERC to work right for you

The easiest way to configure ERC is to do M-x customize-group RET erc RET. This will open a buffer with all possible customizable settings organized in groups. Even if you want to add things to your Initfile manually, you might find some settings you didn’t know about by looking around.

General configuration

SSL configuration


Quick reference

Some features explained


To enable or disable modules use M-x customize-variable RET erc-modules.

Enabled by default

Disabled by default

Non-standard modules

The following modules are not enabled/disabled by changing the ‘erc-modules’ variable. You should be able to find documentation on how to set them up on their pages.

Other Goodies (not part of ERC)

Bots for ERC

Various commands

Change how ERC looks

Change how messages are shown



You can connect to HTTP proxies with software such as:

You can connect over Tor by using torsocks emacs from the command-line.

See ErcProxy for more tips.

For developers

Mailing lists

If you need help with ERC, you can ask on the erc-discuss mailing list. If you encounter ErcBugs, please let us know about them by sending an email to the erc-discuss mailing list. Feel free to send us the corresponding patches if you’re able to fix things.

Check the Savannah mailing page for ERC for subscription information.

The mailing lists are also available on Gmane.

  1. gmane.emacs.erc.announce – Announcements
  2. gmane.emacs.erc.general – General discussion
  3. gmane.emacs.erc.cvs – Log messages for changes to the ERC source code

See Also

Note that the development & git branches of ERC and are not quite identical. The modules ErcBbdb and ErcSpeak are not available in the Emacs version, for example.

External Links

CategoryChatClient InternetRelayChat