Markbook 9.0.2

This software, first written many years ago for BBC microcomputers, has been revised (now version 9) in 2004 and will run in Microsoft Windows (XP).

Written primarily for use in a sixth form environment, it can be used for recording marks as you would in a conventional handwritten markbook. However, its strength lies in the reports that can be produced, including:

The student printout is particularly useful during progress discussion with students, parents evenings, communication with tutors etc.

I myself used this software, and regularly updated it, for at least 20 years until I retired in 2010.  Because I am no longer updating it, I have now reduced it in price, and it is available to order on CD at £10.

Joe Smith
                              Joe's target  
                                   |    class average
                                   V           |
GCSE points                        *           |                       4.9
Hwk 10.9.99                            *       |                       18/40
Hwk 17.9.99                            *       |                       6/18
Hwk 24.9.99                   *                |                       7/29
Hwk 1.10.99                     *              |                       8/34
Hwk 8.10.99         X                          |                       0/20
Hwk 15.10.99        X                          |                       0/20
November Test                                  *                       24/50
Hwk 5.11.99                                *   |                       6/10
Hwk 12/11/99        X                          |                       0/20
Hwk 19.11.99        X                          |                       0/30
Miniproject                                    |*                      41/100
January test                           *       |                       21/47
Hwk 7.1.00                              *      |                       15/37
Hwk 14.1.00         X                          |                       0/20
Hwk 21.1.00                   *                |                       10/47
Hwk 28.1.00                        *           |                       13/48
Hwk 4.2.00          X                          |                       0/10
Hwk 11.2.00         X                          |                       0/21
March test                      *              |                       7/39
Hwk 3.3.00          X                          |                       0/40
rep NOV 99                                  *  |                        C/D
rep MAR 00                            *        |                        D/E
Hwk 10.3            X                          |                       0/12
Hwk 17.3.00         X                          |                       0/51
                      pass level

X denotes absent/work not submitted; the pass mark and other grades are shown (this grade bar can be customised by the teacher); the target (= GCSE score which a sixth-former starts with) is shown, and the average for the group.

The software is compatible with standard spreadsheets (e.g. Microsoft Excel) in that data can be transferred between a spreadsheet and Markbook in either direction.

Markbook 9.0.2 costs £10 (software plus documentation on CDROM, for single user) with additional user licences for one site priced at £3 per user.

Please order from:
GLockwood, 14, Moorcroft Park Drive, New Mill, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire  HD9 1JH,  U.K., either enclosing cheque for the full amount, or, for recognised educational establishments in the UK, orders will be accepted and invoiced on delivery.  Postage to UK addresses is included in the price; for addresses outside the UK, please email for further information.

Further details are obtainable here, including the full documentation for Markbook, in web-page format.    This page updated 2 August 2017.