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Dolphin Smalltalk

Why Smalltalk?

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NEW - Oct 1 2003

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solutions for business
Solutions Software specialise in the development of custom applications to satisfy specific business requirements. 

We have experience in developing effective solutions for commercial, banking and insurance clients.

If you can't find an off-the-shelf solution, contact us for a quote - a bespoke solution may not be as expensive as you think.

solutions for smalltalk
Solutions Software has particular expertise in Smalltalk - a highly productive, fully object-oriented development environment. We are also the developers of ReStore, a sophisticated database interface for Dolphin Smalltalk.

Smalltalk is available across all major platforms (Windows 9x, 2000, NT, Linux, Mac) and offers excellent integration with other technologies - including the Web.

We can offer Smalltalk (and ReStore) consultancy at competitive rates, from a few hours to several months. For more information, please contact us.


"I really like ReStore and highly recommend it. It has improved my productivity by providing a natural Smalltalk-feeling database storage and retrieval system. 
It lets me focus on Objects, not database interface code."

- Customer Review,

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