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IBM Refuses To Indemnify Linux Users

Updated Jun 6, 2013, 01:57pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

IBM is making a lot of noise at the LinuxWorld trade show in San Francisco this week. The computer giant is announcing new customers using the Linux operating system, a cheaper alternative to traditional operating systems like UNIX and Microsoft's Windows. IBM will also announce new Linux products, new Linux reseller programs, and an expansion of IBM's Linux services practice to include 3,000 certified Linux techies, a ten-fold gain from two years ago.

]]> In other words: We know you've heard about that lawsuit filed by The SCO Group out in Utah. But we're not worried--see?--and neither should you be. (In case you've been in a cave for the last few months, back in March SCO filed a $1 billion lawsuit against IBM, alleging that IBM put SCO's UNIX code into Linux. See "What SCO Wants, SCO Gets.")

But there's one thing IBM won't announce this week, and that is a promise to indemnify its Linux customers against possible SCO claims.

Some analysts are clamoring for IBM to make such a promise. But IBM refuses. Which makes some people wonder: If IBM's code is clean, why won't IBM shield its customers?

"Nobody in the Linux community has stepped up to protect the user," says George Weiss, analyst at Gartner Group , in Stamford, Conn. "Nobody has said, 'We will defend you against any legal claim in systems that you purchase from us that are Linux-based.' If IBM were to say they would indemnify users that would send a signal to the user community that they feel confident that the code they integrated with their system is free of violation. That would be a big sigh of relief. If IBM were willing to do that, then we really would believe there is no substance to this case."

But IBM says it won't do that. "Linux is open-source code. No single company provides it. Users understand that there are no warranties or indemnities that come with Linux," an IBM spokeswoman says.

IBM's customers don't actually get Linux from IBM. They get it from distributors such as Red Hat and SuSe Linux , a German company. Those distributors do not offer indemnification. A Red Hat spokeswoman said customers don't want indemnification because they would have to pay for it. (Red Hat, meanwhile, this week sued SCO for trash-talking its Linux product. See "Red Hat's Mad Matt Vs. Humongous SCO Lawsuit.")

Linux's lack of indemnification is an exception to standard industry practice. Microsoft indemnifies Windows users. Sun Microsystems indemnifies Solaris users. IBM itself indemnifies users of other software products including AIX, z/OS, DB2, and even WebSphere, which includes an open-source technology called Apache.

Indemnification usually means that a) if your system crashes, the vendor might compensate you for your downtime; and b) in this case, IBM would held liable if the code you're using infringes on someone's intellectual property.

The latter could become a problem if SCO's claim against IBM has merit. In March, SCO sued IBM, claiming IBM's coders had put purloined Unix code into versions of Linux.

Linux lovers insist the claim is bogus. But what if five years from now a court rules in SCO's favor and by then you've deployed Linux on thousands of servers throughout your company? Will you be forced to cough up fees to SCO at gunpoint? Or will you rip out all your Linux servers and replace them with something else? Either way you've got a costly headache.

"They're selling you the IBM name. The reason you go with a major vendor is that you feel they are going to be responsible for what they sell you," says Steven Sommer, chief information officer at Hughes Hubbard & Reed, a law firm in New York. "Indemnification is a big part of everything we do. If I'm running a mission-critical system, then, yeah, sure as hell I want to be indemnified."

Sommer says his company uses a little bit of Linux but mostly relies on Microsoft for its operating systems. "I'm not going to put all my servers on Linux just because Linux is cheaper. There are lots of downsides to it. A lot of people who are running Linux aren't even thinking about it," Sommer says.

SCO has not sued any Linux customers. But SCO has warned 1,500 big companies that their Linux code might infringe on SCO's intellectual property. SCO also has suggested Linux customers should buy a license from SCO or face possible legal action.

Laura DiDio, analyst at the Yankee Group, a Boston consultancy, is advising customers to push IBM for indemnification. "IBM should provide some indemnification protection, even if they put a cap on their liability. These customers need indemnification. These are not mom-and-pop shops."

Indeed, IBM boasts on its Web site about some big-name Linux customers, like Tommy Hilfiger Corp. , Omaha Steaks and Sherwin-Williams , the paint company, which in May announced it would deploy IBM Linux-based systems in 2,500 retail outlets.

E*Trade Group Inc. , is a big IBM shop and runs Linux on two-thirds of its servers but isn't worried about indemnification, says Joshua S. Levine, chief technology and administrative officer. Also not worrying is William Homa, chief information officer at Hannaford Bros. Co., a subsidiary of Delhaize Group , which operates 119 supermarkets in the Northeast; Homa says he is rolling out IBM Linux-based systems across his entire organization.

"It's risk management. We don't feel the risk is particularly high. And we feel that even if something happens, it won't cost us much," says Carl Ansley, chief technology officer at Clarity Payment Solutions Inc., which runs an IBM database on Linux to process credit-card transactions for MasterCard and Visa.

No doubt the most paranoid Linux fans will view this indemnification issue as just another example of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) being spread by the invisible hands of companies like Microsoft and Sun, whose proprietary systems are threatened by Linux.

But some CEOs might fret. They are, after all, writing hefty checks to companies like IBM and Red Hat for maintenance and support. Red Hat charges up to $2,500 per server per year for maintenance and in its last fiscal year (ended February 2003) generated $91 million in revenue.

IBM last year took in more than $1 billion in Linux-related revenue. In its 2002 annual report IBM claims it has 7,500 employees involved in developing, selling or supporting Linux, and that more than 15% of the mainframe capacity it shipped last year was for Linux workloads.

Imagine building a billion-dollar business without having to offer any of the usual guarantees or indemnity. No wonder IBM likes Linux.