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Caldera Is SCO's Savior

Updated Jun 6, 2013, 02:32pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

The Santa Cruz Operation found something of a savior Wednesday in Caldera Systems.

Linux software maker Caldera cald will buy SCO's server software division and its professional services division, which racked up a collective $25 million in sales but lost $10 million in its third fiscal quarter. SCO gets 17.5 million shares of Caldera, or about 28% of the company, and $7 million in cash. The Canopy Group, a major shareholder in Caldera will lend SCO $18 million.

Questions remain about execution, but the deal is at least a temporary life preserver for SCO, whose flagship UnixWare server software was in danger of eventually becoming irrelevant in the face of Linux. The deal not only buffers SCO's balance sheet but also gives it much-needed credibility in the Linux world.

At the same time, it gives Caldera a stronger technological weapon with which to fight Red Hat Software rhat , which has a more than 50% Linux market share in North America.

Caldera will form a holding company, Caldera Inc., which will hold the assets purchased from SCO, including its employees and exclusive rights to distribute SCO's OpenServer and UnixWare operating systems. In the first jab at consolidation, Caldera will merge Linux and Unix development and support programs, making them more compatible.

There's the possibility of a backlash against SCO because there's a perception that it hasn't respected or understood the Linux craze. While other software companies had devised Linux strategies months or years ago, SCO sat it out. It contributed some intellectual property to Linux developers and sold services for Caldera and TurboLinux, but it never became a distributor. Additionally, the company wasn't exactly a public cheerleader for Linux, advising people to go with Unix if they wanted a stable, scalable server platform. Naturally, this hasn't sat well with the Linux community.

"SCO has spent several years cultivating enemies in the Linux community," says one Linux developer.

Analyst Stacey Quandt of Giga Information Group sees the deal as a way to get UnixWare and OpenServer customers to switch to Caldera's OpenLinux.

"But there's no guarantee they will switch from UnixWare to Caldera's Linux," she says. "If [customers] decide to go to Linux, they'd probably go with Red Hat, which owns the North American market."

SCO changed its tune and got Linux religion--and not a moment too soon. The company's prospects were dimming the last few quarters. OpenServer and UnixWare revenue is falling. Revenue from Monterey, its long-term Unix project with IBM ibm , is at least a year away. With its stock hovering in the $3 range, SCO may not have been able to continue independently.

Now that it will merge Unix and Linux technologies, SCO doesn't have to worry as much about conflicting agendas. "SCO no longer has a motive to knife Linux in the back," says Ben Tilly, a Linux developer.

If SCO can convince Linux developers that it's sincere about its commitment to advancing open-source Linux, it should produce a first-class system.

What's left of SCO will comprise only OpenServer and Tarantella. The latter is software that lets users access and run applications from a Tarantella server using any Java-enabled Web browser. Both products totaled $13.5 million in sales in the third fiscal quarter, with Tarantella pulling in $2.5 million but losing $8.5 million.

For the new SCO, the challenge is finding the capital to fund Tarantella development. Certainly the $25 million infusion from Caldera and Canopy will help in the short term. Doug Michels, SCO chief executive, says that revenue from OpenServer will fund Tarantella development. That's a scary prospect for a product--OpenServer--that Michels describes as "mature" and says has "very little ongoing development."

SCO also has stiff competition from Citrix Systems' ctxs MetaFrame software and Microsoft's msft Windows Terminal Server.

Bottom line for Caldera: It now has the technology to build a more scalable, enterprise-class Linux that should help it gain business among big customers. It can also take advantage of SCO's distribution channel, which includes resellers and big computer makers.

For SCO, there's a mixed bag. Its technology will be subsumed by Caldera, leaving nothing but the Tarantella product for a growth opportunity.

Quandt remains bearish on the deal and skeptical of the reasons behind it.

"Buying a company to acquire an installed base of customers is faulty and creates a digital divide rather than a coalescence of cultures and technology," she says.