Distinct ONC RPC/XDR for Java with XML RPC Extensions

Distinct RPC for Java Toolkit is certified by Sun Microsystems as being 100% pure Java. This toolkit enables you to write distributed applications in pure Java that can interact with existing RPC application written in C.

This RPC for Java toolkit may be used to help you out in several different scenarios. Here are some:
  • Whenever you wish to write an ONC RPC client in Java to communicate with existing ONC RPC/XDR servers.
  • Whenever you wish to preserve the existing interface of an application written using the XDR specifications.
  • Whenever you wish to write Java code that can read and write XDR streams. Other (for example C, C++ ) applications often use this platform independent encoding format for serializing data.
  • Whenever you wish to write new client/server applications in Java.
  • Whenever you wish to turn an ONC RPC server into a Web Service.
In all these scenarios Distinct ONC RPC/XDR for Java will certainly help you to write portable, high-quality Java code in a minimum amount of time.

Distinct ONC RPC / XDR for Java is your best choice whenever you need the C/ C++ world to communicate with the Java universe.

Competitive Advantage

Some of the salient features that make it stand out among other products are support for:
  • Full multithreading (including UDP)
  • DES Authentication (Secure RPC)
  • Unix authentication
  • Remote calls (via Portmapper)
  • Batched calls (one-way RPCs)
  • Broadcast RPC (including Server-site)
  • Rpcbind protocol (versions 2, 3 and 4)
  • RPCInfo written in Java
  • Executing arbitrary RPCs on the Internet where firewalls usually block protocols such as RPC.
  • And it is faster than RMI! So not only do you gain interoperability but also speed.
  • SSL, to encrypt header AND data    
  • XML RPC, to turn an ONC RPC server into a web service    
In addition JRPCGEN:
  • Is platform independent
  • Supports multiple arguments per call (extended XDR-standard)
  • Handles [in], [out], [output] (Noblenet XDR extensions*)
  • Supports multiple interface versions in one server
  • Allows the optional use of a C preprocessor (for code with #ifdefs)
  • Has a configurable output path and package.
Expected time savings: 48 man-months
Expected time savings is the time that, based on our experience, would take a skilled developer with good understanding of TCP/IP networking and very well versed in C or C++, to develop this object. This time can be used as a guideline of the cost involved if you choose to develop it yourself or have someone else develop it for you.

Additional RPC resources

The Distinct ONC RPC Toolkits comply with the standard specifications found in the public documents known as RFCs) (Request For Comments).  To access these RFCs, clink on the links below:

RFC 1831 (RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification)
RFC 1832 (XDR: External Data Representation Standard).
RFC 1833 (RPC: Binding Protocols)

Recommended Book

We recommend reading "Power Programming with RPC." The author is John Bloomer and the publisher is O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.  This book explains how to use remote procedure calls to distribute applications to multiple heterogeneous computers or servers on your network. 

Product Documentation for RPC / XDR for Java version

View full product documentation for RPC / XDR for Java 

Browse FAQ

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100% Pure Java Distinct RPC Toolkit was awarded 100% Java Certification by Sun Microsystems signifying true cross platform capability of distributed applications. "We are thrilled that Distinct has chosen to provide the market with a 100% Pure Java version of their ONC RPC/XDR Toolkit," said George Paolini, director of corporate marketing at Sun Microsystems Java Software Division". 


"Our evaluation has completed successfully.  We are satisfied that the product meets our current requirement and have recommended purchase.  We found the API well designed and very straightforward to use."
Paul Mapstone, Tokyo-Mitsubishi International

Who uses RPC:

EMC Corp.
Spring Tide Networks
AT&T Wireless
Analog Devices
E*Trade UK
Scientific Atlanta
Ernst & Young
General Instruments
Jet Propulsion Labs
DST Innovis
and many others
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