Helping charities have more impact and funding.

Want to make more impact and get more funding? Get the growth cheat code.

Are you struggling to measure, increase or communicate your impact? Do you want to get more funding from major and next-gen donors?

In twelve custom sessions, we’ll coach you on what the most effective and attractive organizations are doing and help you build up these six proven systems within your organization.

Get coached by a grant evaluator.

Lane Kipp, ThM is the founder and executive director of All Access, an effective giving fund. He rigorously evaluates hundreds of giving opportunities every year to find high-impact programs for All Access to fund. With experience as an in-country program director and stateside development director, Lane also empathizes with the unique challenges you’re facing in international development and fundraising.

“Your fundraising strategy doesn’t matter…

… If your organization isn’t as effective and attractive as others. After evaluating hundreds of organizations for All Access, I’m giving organizations the cheat code for exactly what grant evaluators and next-gen donors like me are looking to for. Through Impact Builder Coaching, I’ll help you build up the six systems within your organization to help make you even more effective and irresistibly attractive. As your coach, I win if you win.” - Lane

In twelve custom sessions over four months, we’ll build the six proven systems that will help your organization make more impact and get more funding.

Reach out.